Wednesday, April 9, 2014

About Windows XP

After close to 12 years, Windows XP is about to breath its last come April 8 2014.On this date, its final security updates for this OS will be issued. Most longtime Windows XP users look back on this OS with sullen fondness, but at least in consonance with Microsoft the party is almost over.
Despite the urgings of Microsoft, which set off in nearly 2.5 years ago, a major percentage all PC users still use Windows XP to date. 

windows xp

An estimated 30% are still running an active Windows XP OS. It’s only Windows 7 that was able to surpass XP in all PC users. Why is it that people are unwilling letting go of Windows XP? What’s so awesome about this OS that was created way back then even before the advance of Facebook and Drop box? By the way do you know that this OS is as old as Google’s original search engine?
Who's dreading the big and bad malware?

Microsoft is urging it’s users to give up on this OS and use either versions of Windows 8 PC or Windows 7.The reason backing their move is simply security. Microsoft launched XP in the year 2001. Its design and engineering began in the 90s.Back then there were no risks and threats which you find today. Also, if the threats ever existed, they were different and were obviously less sophisticated.
Microsoft continues to argue that both Windows 7 and 8.1 are created with priority in security factors. Inherently, they are designed and created to be even more secure. When compared to XP, it predates all this work, because back then these risks were never there. The problem arises-most XP users are not purchasing it. Nonetheless, it’s not Microsoft alone that is warning XP users of the many inherent risks and dangers that may approach after April 8, 2014.The world’s famous security firm Avast has also warned that Windows XP is facing several attacks seven times more as compared to Windows 7.
The Migration Pains

Security is atop as far as Microsoft is concerned. It agrees that users could be having their own concerns like the burden of moving huge volumes of data from one machine to another, getting new and reinstalling programs, configuring of applications and much more. For other users, letting go of Windows XP is like saying goodbye to an old-time trusted friend. Other users cite Outlook Express as the reason they are still sticking with Windows XP. This popular email client is not available with both Windows 7 and Windows 8.To substitute it with webmail clients like and Thunderbird is no-work. This is because they tend to have a slightly slower load time than Outlook Express meaning a must learning curve and more modifications to fit current workflows.

However, Microsoft is making major advances to turn Windows 8 to a favorite and appealing to the users who are still very reluctant to give the dual-interface OS a shot. On this date, Microsoft will also launch major updates for the new Windows 8.1 in bid to make it more interactive. Microsoft has also stated categorically that one of the most adorable features-the start menu will be back to Windows very soon. Once its back, Microsoft will have convinced some of it’s users to join the new era. However for so many others, the intention to stay with XP goes a long way than meets the eye which may never change despite Microsoft’s efforts.

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